Motorcycles are the solution and not the problem for urban mobility –

A few months ago we echoed here the study of urban mobility , ​​which showed the great growth that the motorcycle has had in recent years, reaching today 40% of trips by private vehicle. The truth is that it is no surprise, since it is enough to look at any traffic light in the city to realize the weight that the motorcycle has in urban mobility.

In fact, yesterday I entertained myself by counting the traffic under my office in the center of the city for a while, and it appeared to me the surprising percentage that 6 out of 10 vehicles were motorcycles . I imagine that in the center of the city the tendency to travel by motorcycle must still be more marked.

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But in any case, the motorcycle is an inseparable part of urban mobility in cities. Thanks to the little space they occupy on the streets, compared to a car, they decisively help to smooth traffic and decongest the streets. The paradox is that thanks to those of us who circulate daily on motorcycles, the cars themselves circulate more easily. If one day we went on a motorcycle strike and took the cars out onto the streets, the traffic jam would be monumental.

In addition, it is amply proven that motorcycles are a less polluting vehicle than the car. Especially the little urban motorcycles and scooters that populate the city. There is no color.

There are also other advantages such as allowing travel easily to many people who have good public transport between their homes and workplaces and could not travel by car because of the limitations of existing parking.

In addition, motorcycles also have a lower cost per kilometer , which in times of crisis such as the current one is important. Individual savings for users and collective savings on the oil bill.

For all these reasons, the motorcycle should be perceived as an efficient solution for urban mobility , which helps to make the city more livable and pleasant. The cities with the highest number of motorcycles circulating are fortunate that this is so!

However, the attitude of a leading city in the number of motorcycles such is surprising, in which municipal officials repeatedly pronounce on the presence of motorcycles as a problem , unable to see the benefits they cause to mobility. They say that “Too many motorcycles become a problem”, confusing the need to manage traffic and adapt infrastructures to the needs of motorcycles with problems.

In a future article we will reflect on the adaptation of infrastructures to motorcycles . So far very little has been done. Very little. We are the motorcycles that we have become accustomed to using infrastructures designed for cars. And it is time to think that the streets are a shared space



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